Saturday, July 28, 2007


For several years, a man was having an affair with an Italian woman.
One night, she confided to him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to
ruin his reputation or his marriage, the man said he would pay her a

large sum of money if she would go to Italy and secretly have the child.

If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support

until the child turned eighteen. She agreed, but asked how he would know

when the baby was born. To keep it discreet, he told her to simply mail

him a postcard and write "Spaghetti" on the back. He would then arrange

for the child support payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.
She said, "You received a very strange postcard today."

The wife watched as her husband read the card, turned white

and fainted.

On the card was written:

Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.

Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Situation Sunday #14

Situation #1: A friend or family member has moved back home. Close to you now. They have purchased a puppy that is a pure breed, from a local. You have found out that the puppy is stolen. The true owners have offered a reward...the puppy belongs to their dying child. You know the puppy is in good hands,,and that the new owners children are now attached....what do you say or do?

I would give the puppy back my kids would understand and I would get a neather one that day..

Situation #2: You have been dating this person for a while. You love them and they have asked you to marry . As you are working out the final arrangements...your intend to be tells you....That they have had a sex change operation and that they are so glad that they decided to do it---How do you react,,-what do you choose to do next?

no wedding.

Situation #3: You have been offered by Time Life {magazine}, to take a year off from your job and get the full amount of your pay. Plus your job is held for you till you come back. All you have to do is write about your your thoughts, and what ever you feel. You are given 2 choices of where you can do this--on a deserted island { all food and necessities are provided,,,but you are alone} or Anartica, if you choose the artic you will get a bonus of $10,000. Which do you choose? { For the have shelter, no electric- no human contact till the year is up. What do you choose? Why? And what will you write about?

I would choose the island in the antartica . would bring lots of paper and pens and matches and a fishing net and pole. My pillow and sleeping bag and cloths and that is it . I would have no thought about it growing up poor so i would make the best of it ..