Thursday, December 13, 2007

well the snow has come to ny and lots of it. I love the snow and it looks so nice and i dont want to go out in it right now till it is warmer out.
the kids are all home and i am trying to get things ready for the family party that was not going to happen this weekend. It is going to be next weekend because of the storms. well that is that i am all done shopping and i might still go out and get one or two things for my husband. well that is all for today love live and laugh....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

hello all i am back could not remember my password to get in so i will write more.
boy life is good. kids are all doing good and husband is good and i am trying to get rid of a lot of things in the house and get ready for Santa and baby Jesus so that is that. talk to you all later love to all.......

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Situation Sunday ya baby

Situation # 1

You are in the service. Stationed over in Iraq. Some one in your group gets shot by a missile. The missile goes into there midsection and pierces the guy. It is sticking out in the front and the back of him. The guy never looses conscience, and pleads for help. The rules are clearly written out in black and white, if this ever happens do not go any where near them- treat them as if they are dead already. There is the possibility that more could die if near him and it goes off-- What do you choose to do.

I would try to help he put his life on the line for me and my country now it is my time. So many people would look the either way not me. And if it was my time to go then let us go together.

Situation # 2
You have been chatting awhile on line, at one of the numerous dating sites. You think you have met Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful, your soul mate. You are about to meet at a very nice restaurant,after 7 months of deep serious chat. When you get there you realize that your date is a Siamese Twin. They are attached at the head. One is facing one way, and the other the opposite. What do you do?

I would make believe you have the wrong table and call one of your friends to come and treat her to dinner really fast.

Situation # 3
One of your siblings or a close friend is constantly doing things that really bother you. They at times act like the superior one, and tell you what to do. Or they will try to keep something of importance a secret from you finding out. This is beginning to take its toll on you and you are almost at the point where you want nothing to do with them. How do you handle it and what do you do?

well I would not have anything more to do with them. Right them off don't communicate with them and just move on with your life and just don't wast your time with her. She has had far share of things that go wrong. what comes around goes around. How will people learn if everyone just tip toes around everyone. What are we telling our children that anyone can walk all over us and we will not care no i take my stand and i move on to tell my kids people can be really mean and it could even be family. so life moves on and i will still love that person but will not talk to them..

Saturday, September 22, 2007

well have not been on line in a little bit but now i am so that is up in the either world i live in? I am working now and i get really tried at night so i don't go on line but i will try to. Well i just found out after 2 weeks that my sisters son was in a car accident and she didn't tell me. She is very different and i really don't know what to think of that . My husband thinks we or i should not have anything to do with her. I always looked up to her and now i don't want anything to do with her. she is not like she was before i moved here. So i will not talk to her and maybe someday she will really know what is going on in my little brain. What would you do if she keeps things from you like when my dad was dieing and she didn't tell me till the last 2 weeks of his life not really cool. well that is that and now i will move on and really love my family that i see all the time...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Situation Sunday

Saturday, September 01, 2007
Situation Sunday #22
Situation 1}You have won tickets to Dr. Phil. or Oprah. To discuss what is very important to you,,,What do you discuss?
Can you talk about it live on TV?....If it meant you will win 1/2 a million to discuss?

I would talk about my love for my family and how were so close but so far apart. life is so funny some times when you think you got it all going on you really dont know what why your do i win

Situation 2} You are out shopping in a neighboring city. You are at this stop sign where it seems stuck on red. As you look around at the surrounding notice your spouse's in law leaving a motel room with their boss. Do you tell your significant other,,,or your in law...or do you pretend like,,,the character in Hogan's hero....Shultz....I hear nothing,,,,I see nothing! ..What do you do?

with me i would go up to them and say hi how are you are you coming over with your husband for dinner on sunday or are you bringing your friend..

Situation 3} You are out on a date with someone that you like,,but yet you do not really know them. You are out on their boat on the ocean....they accidentally fall over, you reach for the life ring to throw to them,,,{ life ring= floatation device} does not reach them. You not knowing how to swim,,,,what do you do? the boat radio was never a option,,,it was never hooked up. You also have no cell sevice.....What do you do?

go in after them and bring the life ring with you and swim back to the boat and make love. sounds good to me..

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Life is a bowl of spilled milk on your freshly mopped floor. Life is “growing up” your children and struggling to grow with them. Life is wrapping your arms around your husband when he becomes unlikable. Life is hurting for your children when they’re disappointed. Life is holding back tears and smiling when you’re down. Life is not looking down at someone else when you’re up. Life is waking up to a brand new day and living that day to it’s fullest – hoping for a tomorrow – but living it in such a way as to not be quite sure it will appear. Life is good.
Love is cleaning up the spilled milk and holding your temper. Love is understanding and patience with your children’s growing pains. Love is often laughing and crying at the same time. Love heals little boys skinned knees and teenage daughters broken hearts. Love is a friend who knows all your faults and still loves you. Love is a gift to be received and an even better present to give others. Love is good. I am still in love with my husband after 23 years ...
Life is so good.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am back

Well have been so raped up with the summer have not had much time to talk.
I have been having a really good summer. The kids are doing good. and i am going to sleep here are some pix for you all to look at..

Saturday, July 28, 2007


For several years, a man was having an affair with an Italian woman.
One night, she confided to him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to
ruin his reputation or his marriage, the man said he would pay her a

large sum of money if she would go to Italy and secretly have the child.

If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support

until the child turned eighteen. She agreed, but asked how he would know

when the baby was born. To keep it discreet, he told her to simply mail

him a postcard and write "Spaghetti" on the back. He would then arrange

for the child support payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.
She said, "You received a very strange postcard today."

The wife watched as her husband read the card, turned white

and fainted.

On the card was written:

Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.

Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Situation Sunday #14

Situation #1: A friend or family member has moved back home. Close to you now. They have purchased a puppy that is a pure breed, from a local. You have found out that the puppy is stolen. The true owners have offered a reward...the puppy belongs to their dying child. You know the puppy is in good hands,,and that the new owners children are now attached....what do you say or do?

I would give the puppy back my kids would understand and I would get a neather one that day..

Situation #2: You have been dating this person for a while. You love them and they have asked you to marry . As you are working out the final arrangements...your intend to be tells you....That they have had a sex change operation and that they are so glad that they decided to do it---How do you react,,-what do you choose to do next?

no wedding.

Situation #3: You have been offered by Time Life {magazine}, to take a year off from your job and get the full amount of your pay. Plus your job is held for you till you come back. All you have to do is write about your your thoughts, and what ever you feel. You are given 2 choices of where you can do this--on a deserted island { all food and necessities are provided,,,but you are alone} or Anartica, if you choose the artic you will get a bonus of $10,000. Which do you choose? { For the have shelter, no electric- no human contact till the year is up. What do you choose? Why? And what will you write about?

I would choose the island in the antartica . would bring lots of paper and pens and matches and a fishing net and pole. My pillow and sleeping bag and cloths and that is it . I would have no thought about it growing up poor so i would make the best of it ..

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Situation Sunday

Situation 1:

You are on a small plane, there is you and you get to choose one special person, and 3 strangers. Also 2 pilots are on the plane. It is at night, during a very bad storm. Unfortunately the plane hits a lot of turbulence, and the controls are not radar screen is showing up for the pilots. Try as they might, they have no control of the plane and it is about to crash. The pilots both did not make it. You have and your complain, also 2 of the other passengers. You all are bruised up pretty badly but no broken bones. It is night so you just stay put. In the am you realize you are on a mountain, way in the woods. No cell phones are working......What is your next plan of action?

I would find the black box that will tell people where you are and there might be a phone in the box 10 to 1 there is. I would get the emergancy flairs out 5 of them to be exact and if i see a plan go by i would use it..

Situation #2
You are at work, you have 2 other co-workers there doing the same job as you do. One of the other co-workers have used the company computer to look up a union question, that the boss already has told you the answer to which is totally different from what is on the screen. They leave it on the screen and move away from the computer. The boss finally See's it and asks the person who did it, if they were on the computer and left that there. They total deny it, making it look like you or the other Innocent one did it....what do you do? and could you trust that person?

I would tell the truth and let that be..and i would call my union rep to help me out.
Iwould not trust no one and only look out for me having a faimly and kids to feed my job would be the way i would feed my kids..

Situation #3
It is now graduation time. Your eldest child of 16 is graduating high school, and they ask you if they can have a party with about 50 close friends. You agree as long as there is no alcohol drugs on the property. You and your spouse go out to dinner as the party is a hour into it and only 10 people are there. You come home to a couple hundred kids, and already two kegs of beer have been kicked.....what do you do?

#1 i would call the police.
#2 I would have the people of the house take all the blame
#3 My kid would be up shits creek
#4 If you have good kids this would not have happend.
#5 Graduation is a time to be with your kids and not to pown them off on some one else.

Friday, June 15, 2007

andrew and amy at prom

Appetizer: Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is

____________. The best thing about where I am going to move to this week is that is i will be close to my sister h

Soup: Create a new name for deodorant. Like "Flower Fresh" or "Shower scent"

My new deodorant is love life

Salad: What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?
How to make a will

Main Course: If you were to receive a superlative today beginning with " Most likely to..." what would the rest of the phrase say.
Most likely to give the best care to the geriatric. With skill and knowledge, she goes beyond the call of duty, and bring happiness to those on their last journey in this world. ok stole yours could not think;;

Dessert; What two colors do you like to wear together?
You would think Green and yellow
Happy Fridays Feast All!! And to all a good night

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

gas any one

in one end and out the eather but not this way..Gas is so much now i just payed 309 and i think it sucks. so what can i do not a dam thing so i will live with it . I just cant go to bingo as much, that was a thought not. Well One kid is home now from school took him to the dentist and to the eye dr today. He really wanted to go fishing but could not till the little ones come home so they are home not and he is in here saying can we go can we go can we go.Ok have to go fishing now love life..

Monday, June 11, 2007

new day..

well school is out tomarrow for one of my kids oh no.
He is going to want to go fishing everyday.
He loves to fish he is going to be 17 years old soon and
just loves to fish everyday.
He is atistic and this is something that keeps him very exited
and will do anything to go fishing.
Well my son that is in MN is still having fun.
He is going to come home on Sat if he doesnt find a job today
so i hope he doesnt . Is that selfish of me or is that just a mom
that wants all her kids under one roof.
I have been so tierd tring to pack and get all the stuff ready to move
it is no fun at all i have so much stuff and i want it all.
Well that is all for now talk to you all later god bless
live life and love your self....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Situation Sunday

Situation #1
You are back in the dating game, after 20 something years of being married. You are in your 40's. You meet some one you really like, and have been on a few really like this person. When do you tell him that you have a "problem"...A disease that effects you. It is not contagious...PKD,,,A kidney disease where you kidneys are enlarged and keep pushing forward,,and cysts that keep recurring in four major organs? You feel healthy and all, but at times it is a major setback? When and how do you let them know about this "baggage"?

I would tell him on the the first date. If he really cares he will stay around if not dont wast my time...

Situation #2
A couple that you have known, and dealt with the past 15 years. Very nice people that have adopted a mentally challenged boy. They rented this house for the past 45 years,,{they now are in their late 80's},their adopted son lives in a separate apartment. They have just been told that their landlord has died and a distant relative now owns the place and gives them a order to vacate. They have 2 months to find a place to live. They are heart broken. And cannot afford today's rent of $2000 a month. How do you help them?

I would get a traller and let them live with me on my land. I know what it is like to have a son with mentall challenges and would help them out. life is to short for them and to have that on there plate would just be more truble then good.

The next just made up.
Situation #3
You have just been told by your doctor that you have a very rare disease, you blood can only flow to one extremity,,,your arms or your legs. You have to choose which ones, the other shall get amputated....which do you choose?

I would choose my legs to go i can eat and have a good life still with no legs but take a way my arms and i would not be able to do much for my self..

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

at the petting zoo

we went over the weekend to the petting zoo and it was ok not the best place. I love going to zoos.the best zoo is the bronx in ny i love that zoo and the zoo in central park is really nice. My son andrew is in Mn and i miss him already only gone for a week and miss him already.he called for money today i told him to get a job..he will be home in 3 weeks or so. well that is that not much going on in my head today. love life and your self.,.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

and us now

look at us which one am i ?

went to the petting zoo

"Situation Sunday"

Welcome again to "Situation Sunday".

1} You are on a hike with 5 other friends. You come to a bridge over a ravine, The bridge is made up of 2 ropes and wood planks. Two of your friends have already crossed and are on the opposite side, you go to cross and the rope on the left breaks away from one side, and then breaks away from the right side on the opposite end, what do you do?

try to hold on for dear life and hope your friends will help you. If your friends dont help bye bye to me.

2} A person you have been dating along time, or your spouse decides that they need more creativity in the bedroom. Where do you draw the line from kinky to totally far-fetched?

well i would try anything once and if it is not what i want i would talk to him. being mariied for 23 years takes skill.

3}You and your spouse have separated after a rather lengthy marriage/relationship of 20 years. The other party was at fault. You have always gotten along with the "in laws", to the point that they have made you a Godparent. Now after the split, you become the bad one to most of them. If there was a significant death of a close in law, Do you attend the funeral?

Yes i would because i have grown to love them too. It is not there falt that we are not together any more and that if we have kids i would want to take the kids to the funeral and my self . Life is to short to not do what you want in life and so be it..

Thursday, May 31, 2007

well i got a invite to my sisters childs wedding and no kids can come not even my 20 year old. I am so pissed off about that i could undrerstand no little kids but your own sisters kids wedding. I dont think i am going to go to the wedding if he can not go. My husband thinks they are doing it to just be that way. but you know people from her fathers work is going to go and that is just not right what do you all thin k out there. let me know lost

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

cow on the hill

so when you come from far and wide let me know you are looking at my site and i will look at yours i love looking at blogs so try to let me in yours OK... Well my boy Andrew is off on his long drive to MN all bye his self my boy is growing up. I just cryed when he left it is only for a month but i am like a mother her that wants to know were my children are at all times. Even though he is 19 almost 20 in June just being a mom. Sometimes i think that what is a mom really going to do with all the kids she has like my mom she had 8 kids and she gives us unconditional love all the time. well that is that love life..

Midgie's Cereal

Image created at GlassGiant.comYour Doctor wants you to start a new Healthy Diet and he has recommend you try this. It is healthy and good, and at $100 a box it is worth it!. Remember----Good Food isn't Cheap,,And Cheap food isn't Good. Throw away those Roman Noodle suppers and invite a crowd over for these!, I suggest a very rare white wine to go with this. Not too sweet--the natural sweetness of this food will linger in your mouth. Also I would suggest that the help wear earth tones to fully enhance the atmosphere...Bon'apetetite-{ Tis the start and the main menue for my First Fridays Feast!!!....}.{Hint Hint}

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

this is a picture of the red coats in Rome NY. We went to the fort the either day and they were there what fun for the kids . My little boy johnny loves to go there and watch history unfold. In the eyes of a child it looks so real. well that is all for right now going to go and get something to eat and visit with my older son he is leaving tomorrow morning to go to MN for a month to visit friends. love live life.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Situation Sunday
#1} A sibling or closest friend for one reason or another asks you to supply the eggs, or give birth to baby for them. Could you?No way would i do that . It is so much work to have a kid and i would get atached to fast.
#2} Your aging parents who live in another state, have arrived on your door step, and they have declared they are now going to live out the rest of their lives with you. How do you handle that?tell them you will help them look for a nice place near you. Have them come in and talk to them. tell them you are trying to look at the whole picture and not just for them so they will look at things in a diffrent way.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I have been really happy all day today. MY house is clean the packing is going good and my husband helped me all day so that was nice. I went to walmart with the twins today and let them get new under cloths. I ended up spending over 120 what fun. My son Andrew who is 19 going to be 20 soon is driving to MN for a month to visit his friends. He will have a good time. I am thinking about going to Florida for Xmas's this year. I think it will be fun to have it with my sister and her family. We want to go to see mickey and all that my husband has 2 weeks off right now so we will see. it would be nice for my sister to have family for the holiday too. well that is all for now just can not wait to move to be near my sister hel. love live enjoy..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

what a nice day this is such a fun time of the year.

The weather is really nice and the you can get a lot done because it is so nice out.

I have been trying to back so we can move and get rid of lots of cloths. My husband thinks i should only have 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts and that is all. so when i was in my room looking at the cloths he says get rid of them all. OK i will and then i will get all new ones.

NO NO he says keep the cloths OK. well that is all for now love life live it

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I love this picture of Mary and baby Jesus .

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Situation Sunday # 7

Situation Sunday # 7
Your best friend who you have known your whole life, tells you the person you are dating and plan to marry is total wrong for you and no good. And that person hates your best friend. What do you do if anything?I would ask her and him to sit down with me and talk about it all together and try to see if i really wanted to marry him or is she and him holding out on me and not telling me something like they were lovers before.
You have just won the largest jackpot in history. How is your life going to change? What will you do first? I would open a school for the handicapped children and give them lots of love. It would be a place were parents would feel confert in leaving there child. I would give money to all my family and to some of my friends .
Someone you are close to is dying.You are the POA. You have the power to save them, { wither the money for a cure, or a organ that you can give them) they tell you no, they are ready to die. What do you do? i would let them die if they really wanted too. money can not bye happiness and a organ might fail and you are back to ground zero anyway.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves - who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous? But honestly, who are you not to be so? well have a really good time with my sister and her boyfriend this weekend. the kids really love going out to see her and her boyfriend. They are so good to my kids and her boyfriend is really good to all kids . It is really to bad they didn't have kids they would have been good parents to the kids. Well they could always spend time with my kids.. love live and enjoy life.

Situation Sunday

Situation Sunday #6
1}What if you were that guy looking at the shrub that your neighbor just had done? How would you feel and what would you do?
I would make a new on my side of the fence and face it towards them and put something in its but....

2} You have just been told you have 6 months to live. What do you do and how do you spend it?
I would just live life to the fullest and spend lots of time with my family and tell them that i love them and make a video for each of my children and my grandchildren and a really sexy video for my husband..

3}Someone you know, has called the "Super Nanny" to come to your house and help with your unruly children. You have 3 ranging from age 2 to 15. They show up to do a live show and you have no idea that they are coming. The door bell rings? You open it and you are live on TV,,,how do you handle that, and what do you do?
Let them come in and help me i have 4 kids and i would love the help..

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Situation Sunday

Situation Sunday #5
1}You work in a busy Doctors office. You are a receptionist. You have over heard the doctor telling this guy he has caught a venereal disease. And it is untreatable. You recognize the guy as a neighbor.Deep down you know the guy will never mention it to his wife. Do you bring up the subject with his wife as you are talking?

I would tell his wife and i would tell the dr to not talk out loud in the office and i would tell the neighbor that you would be telling his wife if he does not come clean.

2} Your going on a first date, the guy/girl pick a very inexpensive place to eat. During the whole date they tell you how they have been divorced twice, filed bankruptcy last month. Every thing is negative, you can't wait to get the hell out of there and go home. The bill arrives and they pay for it, and leave no tip. The next day flowers arrive for you, followed by numerous phone calls stating what a great time they had. Wondering when you want to go out again. How do you handle it?

tell the truth that you are not intrested in him and move on to the next man in your life you now can pick and chose what you want .Y ou have the right to do as you think at this time in your life.

3} Your mother is on her death bed, she calls you in. She tells you that your real father is the mailman, he does not know nor does your father, as she starts to tell you more details, she dies. How do you handle what she has told you, and what do you do if anything?

I would go to the mailman and ask him to take a dna test and if it comes back that it is your real father i would ask for child payments from birth and see what he says. I would tell the man that rased me that he will always be my father and still love both...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

go and get your test done soon so you will be at rest with your self . so many people just Wait to get tested but it is really good to get it done. I get one every year it is something i do with my friends.We go out to eat and have a full day with each either just spending time together and loving that we are woman.

Hereditary breast-cancer gene discovered

GOTEBORG, Sweden (UPI) -- Women with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome run a nearly 20 times higher risk of contracting breast cancer, according to Swedish researchers. Scientists at the Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research and the Plastic Surgery Clinic at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden mapped families with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome and found that women with this syndrome have an elevated risk of contracting breast cancer. Saethre-Chotzen is a syndrome that primarily involves malformations of the skull, face, hands and feet caused by mutations in a gene called TWIST1, according to Goran Stenman, of the Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research. "Our findings are extremely important, providing new knowledge of hereditary cancer genes and how they can cause breast cancer," Stenman said in a statement. "The discovery also makes it possible to uncover breast cancer in women who have a predisposition for Saethre-Chotzen malformation syndrome."

Sunday, April 29, 2007


do you ever know what way to walk to find a place to eat. In rome Ny you will find these foot prints all over the streets to find food. It will take all the work out of looking for a place. Well My husband went back to the city today and now i am here with the kids just wish he was here to tuck me in. Well life goes on and on. Well going to go to bed now talk to you all tomarrow . love live life

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Situation Sunday

1) You are standing on the edge of a cliff, you have 2 ropes you are hanging on to. On the other end of one rope is one child, and on the other rope is another. You know you can't pull both of them up, only one. What do you do? let them both go

2) You are invited to dinner at a co-workers house. You get there and all is going good. The meal comes out and it is something you would never eat- Possum stew ,with a side of frog legs. How do you handle it?

don't eat it. I would starve before i try that ..

3) It is late at night and you are driving a hundred miles to get home. Your cell phone has no service. The road you are on is not one with lots of traffic. You break down 10 miles from home. Do you stay in your car, hoping some one will come by or walk, run the rest of the way home?

Run all the way home don't like the dark and don't want to be out there to long so run like hell home;

4) A friend asks you something that is totally against your principles. You do not want to hurt their feelings. How do you handle it

tell them the truth and if they are your real friend it would not hurt them

the war

take a look at this got this from a really good friend today..

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. ( March 2, 2006)Karla Comfort received a lot of looks and even some salutes from people when she drove from Benton, Ark., to Camp Pendleton, Calif., in her newly-painted, custom Hummer H3 March 2. The vehicle is adorned with the likeness of her son, 20-year-old Lance Cpl. John M. Holmason, and nine other Marines with F Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division who where all killed by the same improvised explosive device blast in Fallujah , Iraq , in December.

For Karla Comfort, having the vehicle air brushed with the image of the 10 Marines was a way to pay homage to her hero and his fellow comrades who fell on Iraq's urban battlefield "I wanted to let people know (Marines) are doing their jobs honorably, and some of them die," said the 39-year-old from Portland, OR "I don't want people to forget the sacrifices that my son and the other Marines made."

Leading up to her son's death, Karla Comfort had received several letters from him prior to his return. He had been deployed for five months, and Comfort "worried everyday he was gone until she got the letters and found out the date he was coming home," she said. Marines knocked on the front door of her home in Farmington , Mich. , at 3 am with the dreadful news."I let my guard down when I found out he was coming home," she said. "There are times that I still cannot believe it happened. It's very hard to deal with."
Karla Comfort came up with the idea for the rolling memorial when she and her two other sons attended John's funeral in Portland, Ore. "I saw a Vietnam (War) memorial on a car, and I said to my son Josh, 'we should do something like that for John,' she recalled. "He loved Hummers." She purchased the vehicle in January and immediately took it to AirbrushGuy & Co. in Benton , Ark. , where artist Robert Powell went to work on changing the plain, black vehicle into a decorative, mobile, art piece. "I only had the vehicle for two days before we took it in," she joked.
Two hundred and fifty man-hours later, Powell had completed the vehicle. The custom job would have cost $25,000 Out of respect for Karla Comfort's loss and the sacrifices the Marines made, AirbrushGuy & Co. did it for free. Comfort only had to purchase the paint, which cost $3,000. "I love it," she said. "I'm really impressed with it, and I think John would be happy with the vehicle. He would have a big smile on his face because he loved Hummers."

Karla Comfort gave Powell basic instructions on what to include in the paint job. But in addition to the image of her son in Dress Blues and the faces of the nine other Marines, there were several surprises. "He put a lot more on than I expected," she said "I think my favorite part is the heaven scene." On the left side of the vehicle, a detail of Marines are depicted carrying their fallen comrades through the clouds to their final resting place. The American flag drapes across the hood, the words, "Semper Fi" crown the front windshield and the spare tire cover carries the same Eagle Globe and Anchor design that her son had tattooed on his back. "All the support I have been getting is wonderful," she said.Karla Comfort decided to move back to her hometown of Portland, and making the cross-country trip from Arkansas was a way for her to share her son's story. It's also her way of coping with the loss. "Along the way I got nothing but positive feedback from people," she said. "What got to me was when people would salute the guys (Marines). It's hard to look at his picture. I still cry and try to get used to the idea, but it's hard to grasp the idea that he's really gone."

Let's get this Hummer going around the world, we won't forget pass it on.


Friday, April 27, 2007


what a day. it was rainy all day long. I have been really trying to get ready for my sale that i am having next weekend. So much to get rid of. Well my husband is home for a week so i have not had much time to go on the putter to do things so here i am just trying to let the people in the outer space know what is up and that i am still here. We went out to dinner at subway that is were my son works so that was cool. We get 30 % off so that is really cool. My sister h say a prayer for her. She lost a nether lovely lady yesterday she was caring for the 2 one in 2 weeks she is so caring she really needs some prayers.. well that is all for now live life love your self and love the one your with..........

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Quote of the Day

You take people as far as they will go, not as far as you would like them to go.

is this the truth our what. Well i have been very busy trying to get ready for a yard sale and going to get rid of lots of things the kids don't want any more. Things just take up room. They say if you didn't use it in 1 month get rid of it so that is what i am going to do. cleaning out like my dad would say. When i was a little girl my dad would clean the house and my mom would want to keep everything and i mean everything. Ever thing had a place and she thinks she knows were it all goes but she really didn't know where anything was and when it came time to get it, it would not be there . Having so many kids 8 you forget there names and where you put the kids . I have 4 kids and sometimes i forget who i am talking to so i know when my mom did it i can relate to her now that i have kids and i am older. well that is all for today live life love it

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Situation Sunday
1} You are either married or been with someone a long time. Life is good. Not great, but good. You meet someone that you have a great connection to. You feel strong that this is your real "Soul Mate". What do you do? you leave your husband and tell him the really truth , dont cheat on your husband...

2} You have inherited a large amount of money from a distant family member that you never even knew. You are the only one to get all of their fortune. They had children but do to a falling out they left them nothing. What do you do? i just keep the money and dont tell the children.

3} Erase all sexual harassment, and legal laws protecting you. Could you, would you, have you slept your way to to the top? ya i would sleep my way to the top and love it ..

Friday, April 20, 2007


At the end of the tax year, the Tax Office sent an>>examiner to audit the books of a synagogue. While he>>was checking the books he turned to the Rabbi and>>said: "I notice you buy a lot of candles. What do you>>do with the candle drippings?">>>>"Good question," noted the Rabbi. "We save them up and>>send them back to the candle makers, and every now and>>then they send us a free box of candles.">>>>"Oh," replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that>>his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he>>went, in his obnoxious way "What about all these>>biscuit purchases? What do you do with the crumbs?">>>>"Ah, yes," replied the Rabbi, realizing that the>>examiner was trying to trap him with an unanswerable>>question. "We collect them and send them back to the>>manufacturers, and every now and then they send a>>free box of holy biscuits.">>>>"I see," replied the examiner, thinking hard about how>>he could fluster the know-it-all Rabbi.>>>>"Well, Rabbi, " he went on, "what do you do with all>>the leftover foreskins from the circumcisions you>>perform?">>>>"Here, too, we do not waste," answered the Rabbi.>>"What we do is save up all the foreskins and send them>>to the Tax Office, and about once a>>year they send us a complete dick."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

joke for the day

Expensive Operation

A woman was having a medical problem - her husband's snoring. So she called the doctor one morning and asked him if there was anything he could do to relieve her "suffering." "Well, there is one operation I can perform that will cure your husband, but it is really rather expensive. It will cost $1000 down and payments of $450 for 24 months, plus payments for extras." "My goodness!" the woman exclaimed, "it sounds like leasing a new sports car!" "Humm," the doctor murmured, "too obvious, huh

that is good as it is getting today. last night i went to my child school and both of my children got a award for being outstanding kids so that was really cool. I am so blessed with my children. I do have a child that is a handful but he is mentely delayed so in a whole is a really good kid but needs some direction all the time. well that is all for now love life and give someone a hug today.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Today is Wednesday, April 18, the 108th day of 2007 with 257 to follow. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The evening stars are Venus and Saturn.

OK ,what a night been up a lot thinking about the VT school shooting .Called my son in collage and told him I love him. sometimes we can not be there to protect our children but we want too.
life works in so many ways and so many paths that sometimes we don't know what road or path to take . what a road the boy took. maybe he needed help and there was know one he could talk to, or just didn't want to talk to. love your self and your kids so they know you love them.
I know when i grow up i didn't feel the love i should have from parents . Yes they were there but were they really there. Sometimes when you look back at things and take a really good look and you see were your parents made mistakes and you do not make the same mistakes they did. you always try to do better for you children then what you had.. live love and let live

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What To Do When You See A Celebrity

so you're on holiday in California and you spot a famous celebrity. How should you act? Here are 20 dos and don'ts.

1. Respect the celebrity's right to privacy.

2. Before approaching a celebrity, consider whether it's an appropriate circumstance to do so.

3. Actors don't always get into acting to become famous; they do so because they love acting. And, not every performer wants to meet people. If they ask to be left alone, let them be.

4. If the star is with their children or family, do not approach them. Little children are easily frightened by strangers and stars are protective of their kids. Wait until the star is alone, away from their family or acknowledges you.

5. Never interrupt a celebrity.

6. If a star is dining, talking with others or is otherwise involved, don't intrude. It's better to send a short note... something like this, "I saw you across the room, but didn't want to intrude. I really enjoy your performances and, if you have a moment, would love to say hello."

7. Engage a star in conversation, only if they seem open to it.

8. If you recognize a star from afar, it's OK to wave discretely and smile.

9. If the celebrity appears to be open to meeting you, smile, extend a handshake and introduce yourself.

10. Treat a star with the same respect you would anyone famous. Address them formally as Mr. or Miss, never by their first name, unless invited to do so.

11. If you recognize a star, but can't recall their name, don't insult the star by asking who he/she is. Never say, "Aren't you famous?"

12. Restrain your enthusiasm. Don't gush.

13. Be sincere in your compliments.

14. If you liked the star's performance, say so, but don't fake appreciation. It's good form to say when you last saw them perform and how much you liked their performance. It's bad form to tell them how bad they were.

15. Personal questions about their family or friends are no-nos.

16. You are more likely to get an autograph if you establish a rapport with the star first. Once you've done so, it's OK to ask for an autograph.

17. Do not collect autographs for others. It means you don't care about the star but only about the star's celebrity status. Ask for an autograph only if you really would treasure it.

18. Don't confuse an actor with their characters. Actors portray roles, but they don't live the roles they play. Call stars by their real names, not by their character's names. If you liked or didn't like the character a star portrayed, keep it to yourself.

19. Just because you know them, doesn't mean they know you. Be polite, but not overly friendly. 20. If you meet a celebrity, don't tell everyone where to find them. Let them enjoy their privacy.

Monday, April 16, 2007

monday all day

what a week went to the big city of albany on thursday stayed over night. My friend from mn came to visit and we went out a lot and i only spent 10 dollers that is all for the whole 4 days she was her. She spent all her money on me i love friends like that. We went to a fort and went to the movies what fun. Well now back to the really live. I am doing good only miss my husband a lot he came home this weekend and he had a good visit. here is a pic of the snow that is coming down now what you all

situation sunday2

1} You have dealt with a lot over the years and you want to write a book,,Do you use the actual names of people and places, even thou it might hurt some ones feelings?

1}-yes, I do don't do things your regret.

2} Your in a large grocer store chain,,,and you noticed some-one very poor looking steal some meat...Do you tell?

2}-yes, Tell on the person. Don't do things that will hurt you in the long run.

3} A close friend of yours is getting ready to walk out the door for a special outing as you arrive,,,the outfit they are wearing is total hideous and looks awe full,,,,Do you tell,,or pretend they look great?

3}-Tell her she looks like shit and tell her you will go shopping with her and get her a new wardrobe.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Meditation 4/1-4/7: Is 40:1-5 CEV
Comfort for God's People

Our God has said:
"Encourage my people!
Give them comfort.

Speak kindly to Jerusalem and announce:
Your slavery is past;
your punishment is over.
I, the LORD, made you pay
double for your sins."

Someone is shouting:
"Clear a path in the desert!
Make a straight road
for the LORD our God.

Fill in the valleys;
flatten every hill
and mountain.
Level the rough
and rugged ground.

Then the glory of the LORD
will appear for all to see.
The LORD has promised this!"

Isaiah 40:1-5 CEV

Friday, April 6, 2007

happy kester to you

i really like this pic it is so cute.

Monday, April 2, 2007

well it has been a long time. have been getting things ready to move to our new home. we been trying to get all the stuff ready to get rid of and going trough the kids things is a big job.going to go and see my mom on sunday easter that is . we are going to a easter egg hunt at my familys house. the kids are all doing good. It is a rainy day today. My husband went back to the city today and now it is all up to me to take care of the kids and get the house packed up and ready to move in 2 months or so. what fun, not..well that is that. i went to my kids school today and i seen a boy with the cops he was in handkuffs and full of blood. i can not wate to move out of this place. well that is that for now love, live, life.

Monday, March 19, 2007

i was looking at a paper and seen this story take a look;

Rats romp in shop
By: DIANE VALDEN 03/19/2007
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COPAKE-An infestation of rats at the closed down Copake General Store on Main Street at the corner of Church Street came to the attention of passersby last week and are quickly being exterminated at the owner's expense.


Columbia County Department of Health Senior Public Health Technician Ed Coons first learned there might be a problem in the hamlet when he got a call late the afternoon of March 14 from a man who said he thought he saw two cats crossing the road.
When he got closer, the man realized the animals were not cats-but rats.
Mr. Coons headed out to investigate shortly after received a second call the following morning, this one from a woman, who believed she saw 100 rats on the lawn near the general store.
Copake Supervisor Angelo Valentino said he was made aware of the rats by Copake Highway Superintendent Larry Proper, who saw some rollicking rodents there the morning of March 15. Mr. Valentino said he then also called the health department.
As he pulled up to the store on the north side of the building, Mr. Coons said he saw some rats under the deck. As he got out of his vehicle and started walking around the building, he saw some hunks of an old cut up tree and some old junked store equipment, which the rats were running around, underneath and inside.
At one point, Mr. Coons stopped and watched the rats of various ages and sizes milling in and out of holes in the building's foundation. He tried to count them, but quit when he got to 40 because he wasn't sure whether he was counting the same rats again or new ones.
Mr. Coons said he did not have to wonder for very long why this rat colony had set up shop in this place at this time because when he went up on the front porch and looked through the store's front window, he saw remnants of food wrappers from bread, cereal, cookies, candy and cakes strewn about the floor and rat fecal matter all over the place.
"I've been at this job for eight years and things never cease to amaze me," said Mr. Valentino, who declared the situation a health emergency and hired Cat's Eye Pest Control to get rid of the rodents.
The name of the property owner as it appears on the deed is Sudhir Sood. The store was sold to Mr. Sood in 2004, according to town assessment records, though the property tax bill is sent to the Copake Country General Store at an address on Stottville Road in Hudson.
A representative of Mr. Sood's was reached and brought a key to let officials and pest control personnel into the store on Thursday, March 15. "He was very cooperative," said the supervisor.
"But even if someone had not opened the door, we were going in there," said Mr. Valentino, who only took a couple of steps inside the front door, but said he could tell the place was "saturated with rats, nesting and eating food.
"He just locked the door one day and walked away" leaving all kinds of food on the shelves, said the supervisor.
Mr. Coons said he contacted someone at the state Department of Agriculture and Markets, which had licensed the store. He said he was told that the owner had abandoned the store in November.
The store has also been without electricity for sometime and in light of "the cold temperatures we have had, I told the guy not to let anybody eat any of that canned food, which had been frozen and thawed," said Mr. Coons, who was told that by the man with the store key that the store's supplier had been notified to see what food items he could get credit for.
"Life was good" for those rats, said Mr. Coons, who characterized the size of the colony as "manageable."
Cat's Eye Pest Control Manager Nick Brooks told The Independent yesterday that his firm "is working with Copake and the Columbia County Health Department at this location. We have a very aggressive program in place to resolve the problem."
Mr. Coons said the exterminators are using rodenticide biscuits in covered bait stations.
The stations have holes for the rats to enter, eat the biscuit, then leave. He said other animals can't get in. Dead rats found in and around the building will be disposed of by the exterminator.
Mr. Coons said he will make follow-up visits to the store and said that by Friday, visible rat activity was already diminished.
Mr. Valentino estimated the cost for the extermination service at $500 to $1,000 and said the property owner is going to "pay the bill."
Mr. Sood could not be reached for comment. The phone number listed for Mr. Sood in Copake is "not in service," according to a recorded telephone company message.
A message requesting comment on the rat situation was left on the voice mail of someone associated with Mr. Sood, but no return call was received.
Ironically, it was just a few years ago that the Copake hamlet was overrun with feral cats, which prompted much public outcry and eventually spawned a local cat control law. Many of the rogue cats were living in the area behind the general store.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

my little brother loves his deer

my brother loves feeding the deer. The deer here him out side and come running to him. it is really cool to watch nature and man . We went to his house last week and the kids could not beleave there uncle would call and they would come. We went to my doughters basketball banquit tonight it was good and had a nice time. when i was there i looked up and my dr was there asking me how i was doing and i just said it still is bathering me. well that is that going to look at my new house tomarrow so i have to go to bed now nite night....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

pix of my friends he works with do you know who it is . i got a lot of the pix from him. well doing good . found a house and can not wait to move. it is going to be near my family so that is good i think. I could go and see my mom more so that is really cool. my kids can hang with there cusions. My kids can really get to know there aunts and uncles like i did when i was a kid. well my husband is at work and i am here just waiting for him to come home in 1 1/2 weeks so that will be cool .OK have to go and clean the house now it is 11 and i want the house clean so off i go life and be happy..

Monday, March 5, 2007

i love this pic it is of my neace dog

what a week new job and looking for a house what fun.

well no luck in the home looking. Looked at 4 homes and not one was good
to even let my dog into. well the hunt is on for a new home, we just might get a new home and start from there. so much to think about and do . well we went to a hotel this weekend it was ok not the best time for the kids because no hot tub or life will go on and the look will go on. going to go up there this weekend agan and back to a hotel to look at homes. or maybe to my brotheres house dont know have to give him a call. well that is that so i have to go to work now and take care of the little old people. I love them. so many love to see me and i love to see them. well live life and love everyone even if they are not loved..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

please no pix

Today is Saturday, Feb. 24, the 55Th day of 2007 with 310 to follow. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. The evening stars are Venus, Saturn and Uranus.

OK did you get all that, what a day. Layed in bed till 11 got up and said should i get up now no so went back to bed till 1pm then i got up OK what a day. So i am still really trying to look at life as really good and the people in it. sometimes it is hard to see the good in all and i try. Like my sister M she is a good sole but she could be a bad vibe sometimes so i will watch out for her and my sister h she is a good sole and a good person all in one. so that is that. . you can never now what is out there in life its self. you can only pray to god you do the right thing. I am a good old sole too. well live life love me and your self...

Friday, February 23, 2007

this is aviory

Teach me to follow your laws

Teach me your decrees, O Lord;
I will keep them to the end.

Give me understanding and
I will obey your instructions;
I will put them into practice with all my heart.

Make me walk along the path of your commands,
for that is where my happiness is found.

Give me an eagerness for your laws
rather than a love for money!

Turn my eyes from worthless things,
and give me life through your word.

Reassure me of your promise,
made to those who fear you.

Help me abandon my shameful ways;
for your regulations are good.

I long to obey your commandments!
Renew my life with your goodness.

Psalm 119:33

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This Is Jackson

ok this is jackson my brother in laws bird so cute.
he has 21 birds now he takes them in and gets them back to health and then people come and take them home. he is so good at it.

well i have been sick and not on line . I got the tb test to start work and i got sick from it and still feel sick so i will not do much tonight but sleep. well that is all for now talk later love, live, life

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Meditation 2/11 - 2/17: Rms 8:5-9 CEV
Be Spiritually Minded

People who are ruled by their desires think only of themselves. Everyone who is ruled by the Holy Spirit thinks about spiritual things. If our minds are ruled by our desires, we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace. Our desires fight against God, because they do not and cannot obey God's laws. If we follow our desires, we cannot please God.

You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by God's Spirit, who lives in you. People who don't have the Spirit of Christ in them don't belong to him.

Romans 8:5-9 CEV

look look

the snow is so high it is scarry. well the man came to do the snow on the roof and but all the snow on my front porch what a ???l.../ he pissed me off. I went shopping when i came home it was all over and i had to go through the snow to get in the house . Well i have a new job and i start on monday. The kids are off school so i have to get someone to watch the kids all week. I was going to go and visit someone but now i can not go. work calls i have to go so back into the real world i go. wish me luck. ok that is all for today have to go and yell at the man on the roof. love, live

Monday, February 12, 2007

lots of snow ya ya

Be Spiritually Minded

Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.

Romans 8:5-9 NIV

I always like this verse not much to say today so live life love your self and be happy..

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

sid and ruth

OK this is a pic of my godson and his girlfriend she is so nice to him . He is like a big kid with a new toy..well life is good getting ready to go to my moms 80Th birthday this Friday so i have to make food tomorrow and get the kids all ready to go and pack the car and off i go. she is going to be so surprised to see all her kids . My sister lives in Florida and she is going to be there with her family and all 8 kids of my moms is going to be there and husbands and wife's but my son Andy will not be there and my brothers doughtier she just had a baby. well that is all for now live life and love your self and someone else..

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

snow time

the snow is here ya no. stop that snow send it to someone else not me.i moved to ny not to get all this snow. When i lived in MN we didnt get all this snow . well today was a good day the kids went out to play in the snow and it was nice to see them have so much fun. when we lived in mn could not go out to long and play in the snow it was to cold. the snow was a dryer snow not wet. well that is that have a love in your life and live life

Monday, February 5, 2007

looking at a home on this spot on long island maybe we will get the house it is a 4 bed room right on the ocian cool..

new home

well, today is a ...... day it is cold and snowing like crazzy . Ok my sister helen is my best sister ever and she is the only one that i could count on. but just but I have one you know. lol. I dont feel really closs to my family and i can not help it and if i hurt anyone on the way i am sorry but sometimes i feel like i am all alone and dont have anyone to talk to. I know everyone works and have things to do but have a pitty party for I am not the same person i was when i was years ago i have changed and sometimes family doesnt look at that and they say stuppit shit and it gets me. i am just going on like a little school girl and i dont know that anyone cares but i can it is my blog and i can..I really love my sister and her boyfriend He is really a nice man and takes good care of my sister and would do anything for her and my family. so I do love him for that. My brother j is really a good man too.
my older sister f i really dont know and my brother m is ok everyone talkes about him but i love him. my brother r is very into him self and his wife and kids.
my sister a is ok and i love her . my sister m is strange sometimes but i love her too. and the best for last my sister h she is my best friend. I can talk to her and she would i love her too. well my husband went back to the city today and now i am here with the kids no school today the weather is to cold and school was not open today. so live life and love your self and the one your with..

Saturday, February 3, 2007

jessy looking good

well my husband is home and going back to the city in 2 days i can not wait to have my bed back it is so nice to have him home . But it will be nice when he is not home i can come and go as i please and do what ever i want too. We went to my sons collage 2 days ago and had a good time . IT has been snowing and i hate that. The good thing is i am going to go to MN soon on the 19Th of Feb till the 25Th me and my son Michael we are going to take the train and see a lot of people i know so that is going to be really cool my friends are looking forward to seeing me so that is really nice and i will have a lot of places to stay not like when i go to my family's homes it is not like it use to be when i was not living here . Lots of them have room for me and my kids and only really one sister i could go and stay with.put it is still hard to stay there because she lives with a man that needs his time to do his things and doesn't want to be tied down to watching his girl friends family.
I know where he is coming from. The moon or someplace.. lol
I just cant wait to move to long island and be by my self and start making more friends and that will be really nice . I have some friends there already but i love to have lots so i will work on that soon as i get there. i was going to move to where my family is but i think it would be like pulling teeth if i need something or some help it is really sad that i feel that way. sometimes i wish i still lived in MN the friends i have there are really like family to me. When my son got sick at night and i would have to go to the hospital my friend would come over in the middle of the night for me and take care of the kids and i don't know if my family would do that for me . They all have there own lives and i would feel like i am asking to much of them. so that is that. live life and love your self....and me..

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

what a day went to the dentist and got my tooth out. It really was not a good time. I hate going to the dentist and now i really hate it. Went home and been resting all day. now i am up and trying not to think about it. I really miss not talking to my sister helen when she is not there. she is on the boat and i miss her she will be home soon on sat so that is cool. she is a very neat person and i love her to death. My husband is going to be coming home in 6 days and i can not wate for him to come home i miss him so much and it is a lot with all the kids. Andrew is all ready in collage and he likes his room mate and wants me to bring him a chair tomarrow and i really dont want to drive 45 min to bring him a chair. He likes playing a game on the puter and the chair he has in his room is not what he wants. oh....well that is that for today. live life and love life............

Monday, January 22, 2007

hi all well i am going to get my tooth fixed tomarrow. I have a eye tooth that sticks out and i never got it fixed when i was a kid and now i am going to get it fixed tomarrow. I am scarried and yet happy about it.My god son got into a fight 2 nights ago and he was drunk and didnt do anything 4 men jumped him and almost killed him he is staying at my house now. he will be moving at the end of the month. john is coming home in 8 days so that is really cool. well kids are all doing good and i am too. so love life and talk to you all soon..

Friday, January 19, 2007

'Twas the month after Christmas
and all through the house,
nothing would fit me,
not even a blouse.

The cookies I'd nibbled,
the eggnog I'd taste,
all the holiday parties
had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales
there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store
(less a walk than a lumber).

I'd remember the marvelous
meals I'd prepared;
the gravies, and sauces,
and beef nicely rared.

The wine and the rum balls,
the bread and the cheese.
And the way I'd never say,
"No thank you, please."

As I dressed myself
in my husband's old shirt,
and prepared once again
to do battle with dirt.

I said to myself,
as only I can,
"You can't spend a winter
disguised as a man!"

SO--away with the last
of the sour cream dip,
get rid of the fruit cake,
every cracker, and chip.

Every last bit of food
that I like must be banished,
till all the additional
ounces have vanished.

I won't have a cookie--
not even a lick,
I just want to chew
on a long celery stick.

I won't have hot biscuits,
or cornbread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot
and quietly cry.

I'm hungry, I'm lonesome,
and life is a bore,
but isn't that what
January is for?

Unable to giggle,
no longer a riot.
and to all a good diet!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

well today my sister Helen,Milly,Anna, and brother Joe his wife sandy and Milly's husband bill and Anna's husband Paul and Robert and his wife Kattie and 2 boys went on a big boat today and i want too go. I talked to my mom and she wanted to know when all the kids are coming back from vacation i said in 10 days she said she wanted to go too. well we are not a rich family and it is once in a really long time they all go away so next time i will go and my kids and husband will go. We are going through some hard times now but i think with the grace of god we will come out OK. I will see my husband on the 28Th and i think that is the day my sisters and all come home. We are having a really big party for my mom in Feb and she will be 80 and all the kids are going to come so that will be really cool going to bring the really good camera and take a pic of all the family and all the grand kids for her for her birthday present. maybe a book of the party that will be really cool. I really miss my dad he died when i had my 19 year old son. Just 3 month's later and it was good that he seen my son Andrew. I know he is always there with me. sometimes i look and i am thinking about him and i get a smell of my dad or a buzz that goes by me so i know he is still watching over me . I went today and was looking for a job went to 3 places and i think one of them will call me soon. well that is life today . live love and let live.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

well i was trying to put a dog on but i don't know how so i will let my sister do it she is really good at that. I took Michael to the Dr today and he is doing really good. John and Jessica went to school and the weather is really cold to cold for me. I wish i was going with my family on the cruse . Oh well life goes on. Talked to my old boyfriend last night and he is going to have a nether baby in July so that will make 2 he has a little boy that is 3 years old and his wife is not as pretty as me. but that is that. I am really trying to watch what i am eating and see if i can loose some but you know surgery is always on the list. well that is all for tonight going to go to bed. live life love life.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on the 280. Please be careful!"
"Boy," said Herman, "It's not just one car. There are hundreds of them!"

Had a good day and I think i am getting better fast. Well tomarrow going to the mall with my kids and hang out. Sounds like fun. Well my sisters are getting ready for there trip and i am staying home. so that is that for today. love life...........