Thursday, May 31, 2007

well i got a invite to my sisters childs wedding and no kids can come not even my 20 year old. I am so pissed off about that i could undrerstand no little kids but your own sisters kids wedding. I dont think i am going to go to the wedding if he can not go. My husband thinks they are doing it to just be that way. but you know people from her fathers work is going to go and that is just not right what do you all thin k out there. let me know lost

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

cow on the hill

so when you come from far and wide let me know you are looking at my site and i will look at yours i love looking at blogs so try to let me in yours OK... Well my boy Andrew is off on his long drive to MN all bye his self my boy is growing up. I just cryed when he left it is only for a month but i am like a mother her that wants to know were my children are at all times. Even though he is 19 almost 20 in June just being a mom. Sometimes i think that what is a mom really going to do with all the kids she has like my mom she had 8 kids and she gives us unconditional love all the time. well that is that love life..

Midgie's Cereal

Image created at GlassGiant.comYour Doctor wants you to start a new Healthy Diet and he has recommend you try this. It is healthy and good, and at $100 a box it is worth it!. Remember----Good Food isn't Cheap,,And Cheap food isn't Good. Throw away those Roman Noodle suppers and invite a crowd over for these!, I suggest a very rare white wine to go with this. Not too sweet--the natural sweetness of this food will linger in your mouth. Also I would suggest that the help wear earth tones to fully enhance the atmosphere...Bon'apetetite-{ Tis the start and the main menue for my First Fridays Feast!!!....}.{Hint Hint}

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

this is a picture of the red coats in Rome NY. We went to the fort the either day and they were there what fun for the kids . My little boy johnny loves to go there and watch history unfold. In the eyes of a child it looks so real. well that is all for right now going to go and get something to eat and visit with my older son he is leaving tomorrow morning to go to MN for a month to visit friends. love live life.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Situation Sunday
#1} A sibling or closest friend for one reason or another asks you to supply the eggs, or give birth to baby for them. Could you?No way would i do that . It is so much work to have a kid and i would get atached to fast.
#2} Your aging parents who live in another state, have arrived on your door step, and they have declared they are now going to live out the rest of their lives with you. How do you handle that?tell them you will help them look for a nice place near you. Have them come in and talk to them. tell them you are trying to look at the whole picture and not just for them so they will look at things in a diffrent way.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I have been really happy all day today. MY house is clean the packing is going good and my husband helped me all day so that was nice. I went to walmart with the twins today and let them get new under cloths. I ended up spending over 120 what fun. My son Andrew who is 19 going to be 20 soon is driving to MN for a month to visit his friends. He will have a good time. I am thinking about going to Florida for Xmas's this year. I think it will be fun to have it with my sister and her family. We want to go to see mickey and all that my husband has 2 weeks off right now so we will see. it would be nice for my sister to have family for the holiday too. well that is all for now just can not wait to move to be near my sister hel. love live enjoy..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

what a nice day this is such a fun time of the year.

The weather is really nice and the you can get a lot done because it is so nice out.

I have been trying to back so we can move and get rid of lots of cloths. My husband thinks i should only have 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts and that is all. so when i was in my room looking at the cloths he says get rid of them all. OK i will and then i will get all new ones.

NO NO he says keep the cloths OK. well that is all for now love life live it

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I love this picture of Mary and baby Jesus .

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Situation Sunday # 7

Situation Sunday # 7
Your best friend who you have known your whole life, tells you the person you are dating and plan to marry is total wrong for you and no good. And that person hates your best friend. What do you do if anything?I would ask her and him to sit down with me and talk about it all together and try to see if i really wanted to marry him or is she and him holding out on me and not telling me something like they were lovers before.
You have just won the largest jackpot in history. How is your life going to change? What will you do first? I would open a school for the handicapped children and give them lots of love. It would be a place were parents would feel confert in leaving there child. I would give money to all my family and to some of my friends .
Someone you are close to is dying.You are the POA. You have the power to save them, { wither the money for a cure, or a organ that you can give them) they tell you no, they are ready to die. What do you do? i would let them die if they really wanted too. money can not bye happiness and a organ might fail and you are back to ground zero anyway.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves - who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous? But honestly, who are you not to be so? well have a really good time with my sister and her boyfriend this weekend. the kids really love going out to see her and her boyfriend. They are so good to my kids and her boyfriend is really good to all kids . It is really to bad they didn't have kids they would have been good parents to the kids. Well they could always spend time with my kids.. love live and enjoy life.

Situation Sunday

Situation Sunday #6
1}What if you were that guy looking at the shrub that your neighbor just had done? How would you feel and what would you do?
I would make a new on my side of the fence and face it towards them and put something in its but....

2} You have just been told you have 6 months to live. What do you do and how do you spend it?
I would just live life to the fullest and spend lots of time with my family and tell them that i love them and make a video for each of my children and my grandchildren and a really sexy video for my husband..

3}Someone you know, has called the "Super Nanny" to come to your house and help with your unruly children. You have 3 ranging from age 2 to 15. They show up to do a live show and you have no idea that they are coming. The door bell rings? You open it and you are live on TV,,,how do you handle that, and what do you do?
Let them come in and help me i have 4 kids and i would love the help..

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Situation Sunday

Situation Sunday #5
1}You work in a busy Doctors office. You are a receptionist. You have over heard the doctor telling this guy he has caught a venereal disease. And it is untreatable. You recognize the guy as a neighbor.Deep down you know the guy will never mention it to his wife. Do you bring up the subject with his wife as you are talking?

I would tell his wife and i would tell the dr to not talk out loud in the office and i would tell the neighbor that you would be telling his wife if he does not come clean.

2} Your going on a first date, the guy/girl pick a very inexpensive place to eat. During the whole date they tell you how they have been divorced twice, filed bankruptcy last month. Every thing is negative, you can't wait to get the hell out of there and go home. The bill arrives and they pay for it, and leave no tip. The next day flowers arrive for you, followed by numerous phone calls stating what a great time they had. Wondering when you want to go out again. How do you handle it?

tell the truth that you are not intrested in him and move on to the next man in your life you now can pick and chose what you want .Y ou have the right to do as you think at this time in your life.

3} Your mother is on her death bed, she calls you in. She tells you that your real father is the mailman, he does not know nor does your father, as she starts to tell you more details, she dies. How do you handle what she has told you, and what do you do if anything?

I would go to the mailman and ask him to take a dna test and if it comes back that it is your real father i would ask for child payments from birth and see what he says. I would tell the man that rased me that he will always be my father and still love both...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

go and get your test done soon so you will be at rest with your self . so many people just Wait to get tested but it is really good to get it done. I get one every year it is something i do with my friends.We go out to eat and have a full day with each either just spending time together and loving that we are woman.

Hereditary breast-cancer gene discovered

GOTEBORG, Sweden (UPI) -- Women with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome run a nearly 20 times higher risk of contracting breast cancer, according to Swedish researchers. Scientists at the Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research and the Plastic Surgery Clinic at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden mapped families with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome and found that women with this syndrome have an elevated risk of contracting breast cancer. Saethre-Chotzen is a syndrome that primarily involves malformations of the skull, face, hands and feet caused by mutations in a gene called TWIST1, according to Goran Stenman, of the Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research. "Our findings are extremely important, providing new knowledge of hereditary cancer genes and how they can cause breast cancer," Stenman said in a statement. "The discovery also makes it possible to uncover breast cancer in women who have a predisposition for Saethre-Chotzen malformation syndrome."