Sunday, September 23, 2007

Situation Sunday ya baby

Situation # 1

You are in the service. Stationed over in Iraq. Some one in your group gets shot by a missile. The missile goes into there midsection and pierces the guy. It is sticking out in the front and the back of him. The guy never looses conscience, and pleads for help. The rules are clearly written out in black and white, if this ever happens do not go any where near them- treat them as if they are dead already. There is the possibility that more could die if near him and it goes off-- What do you choose to do.

I would try to help he put his life on the line for me and my country now it is my time. So many people would look the either way not me. And if it was my time to go then let us go together.

Situation # 2
You have been chatting awhile on line, at one of the numerous dating sites. You think you have met Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful, your soul mate. You are about to meet at a very nice restaurant,after 7 months of deep serious chat. When you get there you realize that your date is a Siamese Twin. They are attached at the head. One is facing one way, and the other the opposite. What do you do?

I would make believe you have the wrong table and call one of your friends to come and treat her to dinner really fast.

Situation # 3
One of your siblings or a close friend is constantly doing things that really bother you. They at times act like the superior one, and tell you what to do. Or they will try to keep something of importance a secret from you finding out. This is beginning to take its toll on you and you are almost at the point where you want nothing to do with them. How do you handle it and what do you do?

well I would not have anything more to do with them. Right them off don't communicate with them and just move on with your life and just don't wast your time with her. She has had far share of things that go wrong. what comes around goes around. How will people learn if everyone just tip toes around everyone. What are we telling our children that anyone can walk all over us and we will not care no i take my stand and i move on to tell my kids people can be really mean and it could even be family. so life moves on and i will still love that person but will not talk to them..

1 comment:

Helena said...

Good answers! I don't think I am brave enough in #1 I am not sure what I would do, under difficult situations I usually do my best, I guess I have to be there,That really is a very hard question- In a few days I shall post what happened to that person. Blood is blood- I think I would just come right out and tell that person what was bothering me- I would not tell my children because I would not want their own thoughts to be influensedby mine. { Now would I want them to not talk to one another siblings by, everything the other did wrong}Example....Your daughter is dating,,her older brother dispises the family that that boy comes from,and tells her don't go out with him he comes from rotton to the core people, or what ever- she chooses to date him and falls madly in love- marries him- and holds a grudge to her older brother, this might have been a bad example- but you get the picture. I would just talk to that person and if they continue to piss you off- Keep that to your self and your hubby and just smile when you see her,basically what you said but not tell the kids-