Saturday, September 22, 2007

well have not been on line in a little bit but now i am so that is up in the either world i live in? I am working now and i get really tried at night so i don't go on line but i will try to. Well i just found out after 2 weeks that my sisters son was in a car accident and she didn't tell me. She is very different and i really don't know what to think of that . My husband thinks we or i should not have anything to do with her. I always looked up to her and now i don't want anything to do with her. she is not like she was before i moved here. So i will not talk to her and maybe someday she will really know what is going on in my little brain. What would you do if she keeps things from you like when my dad was dieing and she didn't tell me till the last 2 weeks of his life not really cool. well that is that and now i will move on and really love my family that i see all the time...

1 comment:

Helena said...

I can not believe you didn't know Daddy was dying till 2 weeks before his death. That was a hard time for all of us, Every one was down there cleaning out the house and scrubbing the furniture to bring to Hudson, Sandy was a great help, and I am sure you talked with her. Of course that was a time before cell phones and none of us had computors. Perhaps you were like knew he had cancer but maybe you thought like I,,,He will be OK,,my Dad is strong he'll make it. All of us took him out on the boat up in Mas. On a weekend fishing trip- before he died. Milly-Joey-Mike-Bobby-and their families and us-I remeber Milly didn't want mike coming because he was dirty and I had to console her and talk to her into coming ,it was for Daddy not her. I don't rember to much of all of it--That was my party days and wasted years exposode in my life. All I remeber is she could not keep that from you,,,,none of us would have done that-Love ya..Me