Saturday, May 19, 2007

Situation Sunday # 7

Situation Sunday # 7
Your best friend who you have known your whole life, tells you the person you are dating and plan to marry is total wrong for you and no good. And that person hates your best friend. What do you do if anything?I would ask her and him to sit down with me and talk about it all together and try to see if i really wanted to marry him or is she and him holding out on me and not telling me something like they were lovers before.
You have just won the largest jackpot in history. How is your life going to change? What will you do first? I would open a school for the handicapped children and give them lots of love. It would be a place were parents would feel confert in leaving there child. I would give money to all my family and to some of my friends .
Someone you are close to is dying.You are the POA. You have the power to save them, { wither the money for a cure, or a organ that you can give them) they tell you no, they are ready to die. What do you do? i would let them die if they really wanted too. money can not bye happiness and a organ might fail and you are back to ground zero anyway.

1 comment:

Helena said...

Very good answers,,but per'say to question #3, That person dying is 18 years old. or under 30. Do you still stick with your answer?