Saturday, April 28, 2007

1) You are standing on the edge of a cliff, you have 2 ropes you are hanging on to. On the other end of one rope is one child, and on the other rope is another. You know you can't pull both of them up, only one. What do you do? let them both go

2) You are invited to dinner at a co-workers house. You get there and all is going good. The meal comes out and it is something you would never eat- Possum stew ,with a side of frog legs. How do you handle it?

don't eat it. I would starve before i try that ..

3) It is late at night and you are driving a hundred miles to get home. Your cell phone has no service. The road you are on is not one with lots of traffic. You break down 10 miles from home. Do you stay in your car, hoping some one will come by or walk, run the rest of the way home?

Run all the way home don't like the dark and don't want to be out there to long so run like hell home;

4) A friend asks you something that is totally against your principles. You do not want to hurt their feelings. How do you handle it

tell them the truth and if they are your real friend it would not hurt them


Marianne Arkins said...

Wow... you'd let both kiddies go? If I did that, I'd have to jump after them.

I did this meme for the first time here.

Helena said...

That was a hard question,,Luckily I don't have kids because I am not sure how I would handle that. Did you tell Johny your answer? How did he handle that? And my Goddaughter? I gues I would pray and hope that extra adrenial(SP) kicked in, and was able to save both. Helena

meowminx said...

Our answers for #4 is a bit similar. Id run like the wind for number 3 lol mine's up over here