Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Today is Wednesday, April 18, the 108th day of 2007 with 257 to follow. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The evening stars are Venus and Saturn.

OK ,what a night been up a lot thinking about the VT school shooting .Called my son in collage and told him I love him. sometimes we can not be there to protect our children but we want too.
life works in so many ways and so many paths that sometimes we don't know what road or path to take . what a road the boy took. maybe he needed help and there was know one he could talk to, or just didn't want to talk to. love your self and your kids so they know you love them.
I know when i grow up i didn't feel the love i should have from parents . Yes they were there but were they really there. Sometimes when you look back at things and take a really good look and you see were your parents made mistakes and you do not make the same mistakes they did. you always try to do better for you children then what you had.. live love and let live

1 comment:

Helena said...

olAll parents,make mistakes, They are human. As a child we don't see them,,or shall I say we ignore them. I can't recall ever being hugged or kissed, but something deep inside of me knew I was loved, the best that they knew how to show.Dad always seemed to make things special,,,Like taking us fishing,camping and making a meal. My Mom would get up early,,,make the place warm and prepare school lunch or breakfast, it was her way of showing she loved us. I think we were a lot better than some,,,but i am optimist,,and a dreamer :>0, And if I never have told you or showed it,,,I Love You- Helena